Monday, January 16, 2006


So with my brother doing a lot of talk about ‘freedom’, etc, I thought I’d put in a thought or two. Cuz I can. Keep in mind that no research whatsoever has gone into my commentary. (research is too much like work)

First of all, where did the term ‘free as a bird’ come from? Ever thought about it from the bird’s perspective? They spend most of their living breathing days hunting for food. Oh ya, that’s freedom for ya. And I’ve seen birds staring longingly at my warm living room during those wickedly cold days…

So, that’s settled. Being a bird isn’t being free.

OK, how about ‘freeware’? Software you can download to your computer, and it doesn’t cost you anything. Or does it? I can’t count how many people I’ve talked to who complain that their computer just keeps getting slower and slower and s l o w e r……

So, that’s settled. Freeware isn’t free.

OK, how about ‘the land of the free’? Well, lets see…ummmm….we have speed limits. There are fewer and fewer places we can still enjoy a smoke after dinner. We can’t take pictures downtown in a big city for fear of being arrested. We can’t expect our mail from other countries to arrive unexamined. We can’t eat anything anymore but what someone is telling us it might cause cancer or give us a freakin’ bloodclot or something. We can’t teach Intelligent Design alongside the equally unlikely theories of Darwin. We can’t go anywhere or do anything without being bombarded by advertising, telling us we must have this and that. We dare not live in a double-wide. God forbid we should discipline our children. (I can say God here, because we aren't in a public school setting) And make sure no one slips on the ice outside your front door. We can't expect our email to be private. Telemarketers may soon have our cellphone numbers. And on and on and on…..

So, that’s settled. The land of the free isn’t so free.

Methinks perhaps I’ll continue this another day. I am getting disgusted.


Blogger Paul said...

i hate to say it... but I think you're right.... tsk

11:08 AM  

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