Sunday, October 23, 2005


OK so I went mainstream again. Walmart had the regular 4th generation 20G iPods on at a fire-sale price (making way for the new ones, I reckon) so I bought one. I had sidetracked into an iRiver player for a while, and although it worked fine most of the time, it just didn't work as well as the iPod I once had, and which I donated to my son in a weak moment. I just don't like going with the flow - EVERYBODY buys iPods, but in this case, there appears to be a reason other than being sheep. iPod + iTunes works as advertised - never had an issue. iRiver + Windows Media works most of the time, but hangs up too often. Perhaps Microsoft needs to do a bit more reverse engineering on the Apple system.

Along with the iPod, I picked up an iHome clock radio thingy. Seems to 'work a treat' as the Brits would say. Drift off to the sounds of Mozart, or Judas Priest, depending on your mood. (and of course the music available on your iPod).


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