Thursday, November 10, 2005


Its ER night. Missus Grumpy is settled on the couch, in front of the bigscreen TV, surround sound cranked up, ready. She is pumped up..... (she loves ER)

Me, I am going to make some new playlists in iTunes, or, maybe I'll go watch Without A Trace in the bedroom, on the wee little flatscreen TV. (binoculars required, and the sound SUCKS)

Of a certainty, I shall not be watching ER.

I need to recover from the day - had a conference of my peers from other plants at our plant, reps from 5 other plants came. (Oklahoma, Tennessee, North Carolina, Ontario, Mexico). I had to host, and it seems to me that all we did was eat. Might have learned something, I am not sure. We had a good time in spite of all the food, and it's always nice to interface with others in the same job.

I'm done.


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