Monday, December 12, 2005


I love the song 'Fly' by Sara Groves. She's singing to her husband. And I love the quotation Sara puts at the end of her bio....

"You can do no great things, just small things with great love." – Mother Theresa

Here's the lyrics to 'Fly'

Speak in a summer tone
Pause in the after glow
Tenderly whisper my name
Tell me once again why I am your bride
So I can fly
So I can fly

Pause in your busy day
Look extra long my way
Wink at me across the room
Kiss me longer
Touch my arm when I am by your side
So I can fly
So I can fly

Oh how the little things
Strengthen my tiny wings
Help me to take on the world
When you love me there's nothing I wouldn't try
I might even fly
I might even fly
I might even fly

I think I'll go give my wife a hug and tell her I love her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the lyrics on this one Jamie. So eloquently put. We have to remember sometimes to keep the spark going...we can get so caught up in work, kids, school. I am blessed to be in a marriage like this - and I know you are too :)

10:12 AM  

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