Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Pickle, and Spring

It is now officially spring at our house. I have moved my truck to the side of the garage that does NOT have the automagical door opener, and moved my old Chevy to the side that DOES have the automagical door opener. The significance of this cannot be understated. Coupled with the knowledge that I am extremely lazy, it means that now my old Chevy (lovingly referred heretofore as the Pickle) will be my primary means of transport to and from work. Because I refuse to get out of the car to open a garage door on a daily basis.

The picture below was taken while we still lived in the beautiful state of North Carolina. Notice the sunshine. The picture was taken in March. We haven't seen much of the sun here in Iowa this March. (sigh) And since I made the drastic 'garage bay swap' the rain hasn't stopped.

So the Pickle has been rained on every day.

And tonight, the Pickle was subjected to 20 minutes in a Ford dealer parking lot, while I waited for Mrs. Grumpy to meet me there with the truck. (ya so I am a little late getting the servicing done on the truck......I was supposed to get it there BEFORE 36,000 miles, but oh well)

Nonetheless, for all the neglect and abuse the Pickle takes, it still runs a treat. Kids think its 'da bomb', and they don't have to wear seat belts cuz there aren't any!! (how did all those kids survive the 60's?)

And of course it is SUCH a chick magnet....... :-)

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Blogger Joyce Marks said...

I think I hear a new country song coming on....She Thinks My Pickles Sexy...LOL

9:44 AM  

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