Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Things That Make You Go Hmmmmmm....

While my brother was here visiting, we had some interesting discussions about the relative merits of the Mac operating system, and the Windows operating systems. (both of us being gadget geeks, it was an inevitable topic). While I use both systems, and like both systems, it seems that most Mac users are zealots. Meaning there is no room for anything else. So why is it that no sooner does Apple introduce a Mac using an Intel chip, that the first thing Mac guys try and do with it is install WindowsXP??

And what about this?? What kind of free country are we living in, when one could be shot dead for walking on a neighbour's lawn?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things That Make You Go Hmmmmmmmmmm
INDEED! copy cat!

10:56 PM  

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