Thursday, February 23, 2006


Its unimaginable. (is that a word?) I was reading CNN today, and there was an article about the White House Report on Hurricane Katrina. Here's one sentence....

"The White House study took a softer approach than a scathing House report issued last week, focusing on proposals to fix problems without singling out any individuals for blame."

AMAZING!! And very likely constructive. Maybe there is hope.

And here's something else unimaginable. It was 'drive your tractor to school day' at the Central Lee Schools. Since we live directly across the highway from the school, my wife was able to capture a couple of images for your viewing pleasure. You know you live in the boonies when you seen stuff like this.


Blogger Paul said...

THAT is priceless!!! I thought living North of 7 was back woods... I was WRONG!!

11:13 PM  

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